Parvez embarked on his journey from Punjab, India, to Australia in 2008, driven by a desire to pursue higher education. Inspired by his innate calling to make a tangible difference in the lives of others through legal advocacy and service, he transitioned from his initial pursuit of a Master of Information Systems to embrace a career in law. Parvez completed the Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) program at Western Sydney University in 2020.
Prior to entering the legal realm, Parvez gained diverse experiences through internships, employment, and volunteer roles. From his tenure at a tea company in Assam, India, to his involvement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria, his journey was enriched with multifaceted exposures, profoundly influencing his approach to the legal profession.
During his legal studies, Parvez dedicated himself to volunteering at legal centres and law firms, gaining hands-on experience in various facets of legal practice, including direct client interaction, case management assistance, legal research, drafting legal documents and litigation under seasoned mentors. His experience at legal firms, along with his personal experiences with the difficulty of navigating a Family Law Case, motivated him to establish his own practice with a focus on creating positive change. He is highly adept at achieving favourable negotiation outcomes for his clients through effective early negotiations. This enables Parvez to resolve his clients’ Family Law matters in the most timely and cost-effective way possible, always keeping their needs at the forefront of his practice.
Proficient in English, Hindi, and Punjabi, Parvez ensures effective communication with clients from diverse backgrounds. This linguistic versatility, coupled with his multicultural experiences, allows him to grasp complex issues and establish meaningful connections, providing an individualised solutions-focused approach to addressing his clients’ needs. Parvez resides in Western Sydney with his wife and two sons. During his leisure time, he enjoys exploring the outback, spending time on the beautiful coast, or discovering Sydney’s underrated restaurants.